Divorce Mediation Specialists

Divorce is likely to be one of the most significant, difficult and painful events you will ever experience in your life.

It can be a lonely, all-consuming journey through a divorce and with no guidebook to help navigate unfamiliar issues, the stress and fear is only compounded by the need to make important, life-changing decisions with far reaching implications.

That's where we come in!


Our divorce mediation services address all parenting and financial issues required for the divorce negotiation process, while providing emotional support along the way.

Giving you the best opportunity to avoid a drawn-out, costly and contentious divorce case and at the same time, enabling you to remain fully in control of the terms of your agreement.

Why mediate your divorce or separation with us?

Because you know there's a lot at stake, and you want the peace of mind that comes from knowing your negotiations were fair, thorough, and handled properly.

Book an Initial Meeting

Both Joe and Cheryl found a way to keep the conversation moving forward while bringing just enough light heartedness to keep the tension down for what otherwise could have been a miserable experience.

They can take a difficult topic and process and make it very manageable, a skill that only experience can provide.

They are both incredibly helpful and their process was efficient and effective.


Joe and Cheryl made this entire process painless! They were knowledgeable, friendly, and respectful of our circumstances.

The best part of the mediation process was being in control of our own outcomes... This is something that often doesn't happen when lawyers are involved.

We've been able to separate in a friendly way that keeps our relationship intact, and most important, our children happy!


It was convenient and cost effective to mediate with Equitable Mediation.

And the best part was working with Cheryl and Joe.

Their knowledge and expertise was outstanding and their compassion and encouragement was greatly appreciated.

They made a stressful, difficult process easy to navigate and manage.

Benefits of Mediating Your Divorce with Equitable Mediation:

  • An expert divorce mediator with a financial acumen;

  • Support for the emotional aspects of divorce;

  • A proven mediation process to keep your divorce negotiations efficient and productive;

  • A thorough written divorce agreement;

  • A personalized and dignified mediation experience;

  • Convenient online divorce mediation sessions.


A skilled and compassionate divorce mediator and negotiation expert with a strong financial acumen

Joe-Dillon-400The Mediator's Experience Matters!

Other than the decision to divorce itself, there is no single more important decision than choosing a divorce mediator qualified to handle your divorce.

For more than 25 years, our expert, professionally trained divorce mediator Joe Dillon has been helping individuals, couples and corporations mediate a myriad of complex issues and intractable problems by utilizing his experience with negotiation, finance and interpersonal relationships.

Joe is highly skilled at developing solutions that work for each type of client and situation he encounters.

Not only does he have a command of the parental and financial decisions that need to be made (parenting plan, child support, alimony, property division,) but he is well-versed in the specific nuances of these issues in all states we practice in.

Joe has mediated divorces for clients of all ages, income levels, and case complexities. And has been instrumental in reaching over a thousand private, out-of-court, negotiated settlements.

We're proud of Joe's high case resolution success rate which has been 98% or greater every year Equitable Mediation has been in existence.

Joe, I think you are masterful at herding in the complexities of our situation, respectfully calming "E's" and my realistic fears and defensiveness, presenting creative and practical ideas, all while politely motivating us.

And peppered with your wonderful sense of humor, of course! You rock, Joe! Thank you for guiding us.

- E.M., former client

Joe has worked with many different types of couples throughout the years, and has a keen awareness of the different types of communication difficulties between divorcing spouses - especially when it comes to issues such as parenting and money. So to bridge the gap between the two parties and help them find common ground, he is proficient in "speaking a number of languages."

For example, Joe's background in finance enables him to understand the language and thinking of an analytical-minded, corporate executive-type individual.

But since Joe was raised by a single mom, he's also uniquely qualified to understand the issues a spouse in that position may face when it comes to finances, fear of an uncertain future, and their potential loss of identity as a full-time parent.

Because being able to help a divorcing couple communicate, and knowing what issues are important to them, even if they themselves don't know or can't articulate those things, is critically important in helping the parties come to a balanced agreement.

It's also a major determining factor in not only if a mediation will be successful, but also in how quickly a couple will move through the mediation process and how cost-effective it will be.

Joe is very kind and very patient which comes with what I can tell is vast experience mediating families through divorce. He did a great job of keeping the discussions on track and defusing those moments where the conversation was getting too heated.

He understood our situation and helped us agree on solutions that best suited our wants and needs. We agreed on an outcome that is best for our children and our individual finances. One that I am comfortable with.

- T.B., former client



Support to help you through the emotional aspects of divorce

Cheryl-Dillon-400Going through a divorce is very stressful and a complete emotional upheaval to life.

For this reason, Divorce Coach Cheryl Dillon will be available to you and your spouse individually throughout the mediation process for emotional support and/or to help you separate your emotions from the big decisions that need to be made to best move forward.

Divorce coaching can even help you overcome conflict and improve interactions with your spouse during and after the mediation process.

Getting through divorce is easier with the help of a coach!

Cheryl, You helped me gain the strength I needed to get through the most difficult time in my life. Having you available to me throughout our mediation really helped keep the emotions in check and things on track.

- B.T., former client



A proven mediation process to keep your divorce negotiations efficient and productive

Proven-Mediation-Process-at-Equitable-Mediation-Anyone who's ever been through divorce can tell you there are a lot of moving parts. In fact, people often cite the divorce process itself as the reason for not wanting to pursue one!

So if you're overwhelmed about what lies ahead, you're not alone!

You’ll start things off with a Strategy Session where Joe will develop a plan with you for your negotiations. He'll also share steps to take in order to get an optimal mediation outcome.

And since no one wants their divorce to drag on forever, we’ll provide you with a Mediation Roadmap to outline important milestones to target to help keep your mediation productive and on track.

You’ll have direct access to Joe throughout your negotiations. And we’ll also give you access to our client portal, mediation toolkit and secure file sharing system and provide personalized support should you and/or your spouse need it.

I think that your process is probably as quick, cost-effective and fair as is possible in the circumstances.

Frankly, I wasn't sure that we would make it through and actually reach an agreement. If you were able to help us to reach that goal, then I'm sure that you could do it for almost any couple wanting to mediate!

- C.L., former client


You both really understand all of the dynamics involved in the divorce process, and really have your clients best interest in mind.

The step-by-step process broken into little sections was awesome. It made this big, giant, overwhelming task comprehensible. I'm so grateful. You have a wonderful process in place.

- C.K., former client



A thorough and customized divorce agreement that leaves no stone unturned

A-Thorough-Agreement-at-Equitable-MediationSome mediators will only prepare a basic write-up or a simple bulleted list of terms.

Giving you and your spouse no choice but to hire attorneys (and spend an additional $2,500 to $3,500) to convert your negotiations into a fully-formed agreement.

But not us!

We’ll provide you and your spouse with a detailed Memorandum of Understanding which will outline explicitly the agreements you made in mediation as well as the steps you need to take in order to execute your agreement. Your agreement can also include what to do when your children get older or your circumstances change.

Your written divorce agreement will be thorough, easy to understand and execute and as future-proofed as you'd like it to be.

From guiding us through the issues to ensuring our agreement was thorough to the kindness they showed us during our time working together, Joe and Cheryl didn't let us down.

We are grateful for everything they did to make a highly emotional and very personal event easier on us and our family.

- C.R., former client

You may be thinking that so far everything sounds great but you’re concerned about what happens when you’re done working with us and now it’s time to file.

Wondering if we’re just going to leave you on your own?

Of course not!

We'll share a number of filing options so you can choose the one best-suited to your unique needs.



A personalized and dignified divorce mediation experience

Personalized-Mediation-at-EMSWe treat you with kindness - like human beings, not docket numbers.

And our mediation services are peaceful, dignified, and result in a divorce agreement that is fair, equitable, and in the best interests of your children.

We believe that the right information combined with the right expertise and the right kind of support can make the difficult process of divorce easier on you and your family.

And you'll always work directly with Joe as your divorce mediator and Cheryl as your coach, and no one else!

Get to know a bit more about us personally and professionally.

You are genuinely nice people. You were empathetic toward us. I felt like you really understood what we had to go through and you guided us every step of the way. It felt much less daunting and overwhelming.

I felt your support 100% of the time. You made it as easy and quick as possible without spending 10's of thousands of dollars on attorney fees.

You know what works and you know how to mediate. I can’t thank you enough for getting me through this tough time with humor and ease.

- T.M., former client

I could write a book on why Equitable Mediation is in a class of their own, and I very well may!

From initial gut-check talks, to the nitty gritty, both Cheryl and Joe exercise the human quality of this process. They both, individually add incredible knowledge, support and a team effort feel to each step in the process.

Honestly, there is nothing "enjoyable" about divorce, yet somehow, they leave you feeling comforted, treated fairly and respected. I couldn't recommend them more enthusiastically!

Joe brings a sense of assured guidance to the details of which we knew very little. He listens actively and offers solutions from an objective standpoint. He is warm, funny and fast.

You are not just a "case file" to Cheryl and Joe.

What I liked most about working with Equitable Mediation was the mutual respect, candor and fastidious attention to both the human quality and necessary outcome of peace, fairness and documentation.

Also, the availability of coaching was not only convenient, but felt hands-on at all times.


Convenient, online divorce mediation sessions

Online-Sessions-at-Equitable-Mediation-We know how difficult life is. And adding a divorce into the mix only compounds the stress.

So in 2011, we combined our high-quality divorce mediation services with easy to use technology, to create our Online Divorce Mediation format.

You and your spouse will work directly with our expert mediator and company founder, Joe Dillon, who will actively guide you through our comprehensive and compassionate divorce mediation process.

Online divorce mediation is real, hands-on divorce mediation.

And a convenient and efficient way to negotiate all the terms of your divorce from any location of your choosing.

Being able to do everything via videoconference made my divorce much easier because we were able to find times to mediate without the hassle of driving to a physical location to meet with Joe.

It was also nice because I didn't need to be in the same room as my wife so it took a lot of emotion and fighting out of the sessions.

- L.D., former client



Customized divorce mediation solutions tailored to your unique situation.

Customized-flat-fee-mediation-at-EMSWhen you’ve been mediating for as long as we have, you understand that no two divorcing couples are the same.

So unlike other divorce service providers out there, we won’t try and force you and your spouse into a “one-size-fits-all” dispute resolution process.

We know from experience that couples married 20 years with teenage or college-aged children face much different issues than those who are retired, or only married a few years.

And a divorcing couple still living together faces much different issues than those living in two different states or countries.

That's why we develop a customized mediation plan for each couple, based on their unique needs and circumstances.

Cheryl and Joe were a pleasure to work with. I was dreading going through divorce. It seemed overwhelming, but they were there every step of the way to guide and comfort us during this difficult time.

They made it very straightforward and as easy as possible.

- L.R., former client

Forget everything you think you know about a divorce

Your divorce can be peaceful;

Your divorce can be fair;

You can put your kids first;

And we have the experience, resources and support to help you make that happen!

To get started, take the next step and book a mediation initial meeting for you and your spouse.

Book an Initial Meeting
