We're Equitable Mediation, Divorce Experts.

And our mission is to take unnecessary anxiety, hostility and expense out of divorce.

Each day, we're driven by our desire to smooth the rough road that lies ahead for divorcing couples and their families.

And minimize the damage divorce can have on them financially and emotionally now - and into the future.

Our comprehensive approach provides the education, guidance and support needed to get through divorce in the most peaceful, fair, child-focused and cost-effective way possible. And our flat-fee mediation services are designed to help with all critical elements of a divorce.

We know first-hand that the right information combined with the right expertise and the right kind of support can make the difficult process of divorce easier on you and your family.

So skip the lawyer-driven destruction, spare your children, preserve your financial resources and mediate with us instead!


Meet the Equitable Mediation Team:


Joe Dillon, MBA

Divorce Mediator & Founder

Joe earned a Master’s degree in Finance and completed specialized training in negotiation and mediation at Harvard University, MIT, Northwestern University, the NJ Association of Professional Mediators, the Institute for Continuing Legal Education, the Academy of Professional Family Mediators and the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysis.

As a child, he witnessed the damage of attorney-driven litigation during his parents' divorce.

In 2008, Joe set out to offer divorcing couples a more peaceful and dignified alternative and started Equitable Mediation Services with his partner and wife, Cheryl.

Read Joe's full bio.


Cheryl Dillon, CPC

Divorce Coach & Co-Founder

Cheryl earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Connecticut and is a Certified Life Coach. She completed formal training at The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) – an internationally recognized leader in the field of coaching education.

Having gone through a painful divorce of her own, she knows firsthand the turmoil ending a marriage can have on an individual's emotional well-being.

Through her coaching, Cheryl helps men and women survive and thrive before, during and after divorce.

Read Cheryl's full bio.

Get to know a bit about us, and learn why our personal experiences with divorce make us so passionate about mediation.

(3-minute video)

Don't Divorce Without Us.

Your future will thank you!

Get Started



Is Equitable Mediation a franchise?

No! Absolutely Not!

We know there are divorce franchises out there, but to us, franchises are better-suited to fast-food, not divorce.


How can you practice in all these states?

Believe it or not, the issues that need to be resolved in a divorce are the same no matter where you live!

You’ve got to develop a plan to raise your kids (parenting), figure out how you’re going to share in the cost to raise them (child support), determine if one of you needs financial support post-divorce (a.k.a. alimony, spousal support, maintenance or spousal maintenance, depending on the state), and divide up your property and debts (equitable distribution or community property).

And while there are subtle nuances in how the issues are resolved from state-to-state, the majority of what needs to be accomplished is the same.

Naturally, we’ve taken the time to research the issues in each of the states we practice in.

And we continue to stay abreast of updates and changes to these issues in a variety of ways that range from professional membership organizations, conferences, seminars and state-related publications.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, we limit the number of clients we take on at any one time to ensure that all of our clients get the most responsive and best service possible.