Divorce Mediation NYC

To some, “The City That Never Sleeps” might mean restaurants and subways that do not close and nightlife at all hours. While for others, it may mean long, sleepless nights, worrying about the cost of their divorce!

When we heard that New York City divorce attorneys were demanding retainers of up to $15,000 per person, we set out to give divorcing couples a better option. And that’s why we offer our flat-fee divorce mediation services in and around the 5 boroughs.

In the years we’ve been practicing in The Big Apple, we’ve seen divorce mediation used with great success by a diverse cross-section of the population including film makers, authors, auto mechanics, corporate executives, and Wall Street wealth managers, to name just a few.

Confirming what we already knew to be true - more and more smart NYC couples are seeking a more peaceful and cost-effective alternative to the emotionally devastating and financially ruinous process of an attorney-driven divorce.

And that alternative is divorce mediation!

Let us put our divorce mediation expertise to work for you in NYC!

We know first-hand how devastating divorce can be because our lives have been affected by it, too.

That's why we mediate each case personally and do everything we can to make divorce less expensive, less time-consuming and less stressful for you and your children.

Joe Dillon & Cheryl Dillon, Equitable Mediation Co-Founders


Midtown Manhattan:

Equitable Mediation Services

5 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 10001

Located between West 33rd Street, West 34th Street and 8th Avenue, the first of our three New York City divorce mediation office locations is situated across the street from Penn Station.

From this location, NYC divorce mediation services are provided to couples who live or work in Midtown Manhattan.

Central Park South:

Equitable Mediation Services

57 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019

Located on West 57th Street, just east of 6th Ave, our third New York City divorce mediation office location is situated just south of The Plaza Hotel.

From this location, NYC divorce mediation services are provided to couples who live and work in Midtown near Central Park.

Downtown Financial District:

Equitable Mediation Services

165 Broadway, New York, NY 10006

Located on Broadway, between Cortlandt Street and Liberty Street, the second of our three New York City divorce mediation office locations is situated just north of Zuccotti Park.

From this location, NYC divorce mediation services are provided to couples who live or work near the financial district.


Main Phone: (917) 383-0656

Office Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday
evening appointments available upon request

Payment Types Accepted: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Payment Plans Available

Since my earnings as a financial advisor are 100% commission-based, and off the top of the guideline, figuring out spousal maintenance was tough.

Joe examined our financial needs, cash flow patterns, and after-tax income to put together a detailed bracketed approach to support that was easy to execute, given the variability in my income.

- R.E.
former client, Manhattan

As an author, I can sometimes go years without getting paid. Then I'll get a big payday all at once.

Joe delicately guided us through what could have been a very difficult conversation on child support. Helping us come to an agreement that worked in our unique situation.

- K.F.
former client, Brooklyn, NY

My indie film company was growing rapidly and there was talk we might be bought out.

Joe helped us develop a plan that took into account the contributions both me and my ex made to the business. And come up with a fair profit-sharing arrangement if the sale ever went through.

- R.G.
former client, Brooklyn, NY

Expert Divorce Mediator in NYC:


If you want a high quality divorce mediation that results in a fair and thorough agreement while putting your children first, choose Equitable Mediation.

If you and your spouse live in the NYC metropolitan area, have agreed to pursue a divorce, both want to mediate, book a mediation initial meeting for the two of you today.

Book an Initial Meeting



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Below are FAQ's about divorce mediation NYC clients have inquired about:

Does Equitable Mediation have a specific mediation process to make sure our divorce goes smoothly?


Divorce is an extremely complex issue, with a lot of moving parts. And if you’re not careful, things can get out of hand quickly.

We offer our New York City couples a proven mediation process that helps them complete the steps to divorce in less time, with less stress, and for a lower cost: financially and emotionally.

Learn more about our mediation process and how you can benefit from our “Equitable Difference.”


What if one party wants a divorce, but the other party does not. Can we still mediate?

Unfortunately, in order to use divorce mediation NYC couples must both be in agreement on the decision to end their marriage and work with a mediator instead of an attorney.

If one party wants a divorce, and the other party does not, or if one party wants to use a mediator, and one wants to hire a Manhattan divorce attorney, then using a divorce mediation service will not be an option.

But before you take the drastic step of hiring an attorney, winding up in court, and getting dragged into financially ruinous and emotionally draining litigation, take these steps if you want a divorce and want to use a mediator, and your husband or wife is reluctant to take steps to end the marriage.


How long does mediation take? Is it possible to finish in one mediation session?

Since the number, type, and complexity of issues that need to be resolved will vary greatly from couple to couple, the answer is it depends.

We've had clients resolve all issues and come to agreement in a single mediation session so yes, it is possible.

We find that on average, couples can resolve all issues and come to agreement in 2 to 4 mediation sessions. And don’t forget - the skill of your mediator can also be a significant factor in how efficiently and effectively you move through the divorce process. So choose your mediator carefully!


What issues can a NYC divorce mediator help us resolve?

All of them!

From family matters such as child support and custody and visitation (aka “the parenting plan”), to financial matters such as spousal maintenance and division of assets and liabilities, your divorce mediator will actively guide you to resolution on all issues required for your settlement agreement.

He will then draft these agreements into what is known as a Memorandum of Understanding which will serve as the basis for your Marital Settlement Agreement which is one of the documents filed with the court in order to get a divorce in NYC.

Are family law mediation and alternative dispute resolution the same thing?

Family law mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution which helps your family resolve all issues required for divorce outside of court. That is, mediation is an alternative to hiring a lawyer and litigating your divorce.

And while a collaborative law divorce is also considered an alternative dispute resolution method, it does require you each to hire an attorney to represent you during the proceedings. And in our opinion, increases the potential of conflict between you, your spouse, and your two attorneys. Putting you on a path to wind up in court – the very thing you probably wanted to avoid in the first place!